Why we book more

Specialists in converting phone inquiries into bookings, our Business Development Associates engage and educate customers, upsell high margin services and follow-up on open quotes.

Speed of response, knowledge and ability to close increasingly important given the ever increasing competitiveness of the market.

50% of our Business Development Associate (BDA)’s weekly pay is based on the number of bookings and upsells achieved by that individual. As experts at closing the undecided potential home owner, we have the highest conversion ratios in the industry due to sharing the rewards in real time with the individual making the booking.


Our team is 100% virtual allowing our home inspectors to leverage the very best and hardest working individual across the whole United States. Providing a unique work from home opportunity and with over 250,000 qualified individuals to pick from, we remove all people problems and enable scale.



Through heavy investments in proprietary technology, we enable our clients to achieve the highest conversion rates in the industry. From automated call backs and open quote follow-ups to Analytics and Reporting, we leverage data and technology to give our clients a competitive advantage in the marketplace.